epoxy versus mod podge video

Hey craft enthusiasts, let us have a dazzling duel between two popular adhesives: Epoxy Resin and Mod Podge. Which one will steal the show when it comes to glittering a tumbler?

Let's dive in and let the sparkles settle the debate in this video


Getting Started: The Mod Podge Method

First up to bat is our good ol' pal, Mod Podge. You'll need a brush, a bit of patience, and of course, your chosen glitter—today, we are using the captivating

Application Time

Apply the Mod Podge directly to the lower half of your tumbler. The key is to evenly spread it without going overboard—the golden rule is, "Thinner is Winner." If you lay it on too thick, you might end up wading through a globby glitter mess.

Let It Rain Glitter

Once you've conquered the adhesive coat, it's time to let it rain! Sprinkle that glitter with all the grace of a gentle cascade, ensuring full coverage from top to bottom. If you encounter loose glitter while patting it down, no panic—just roll with it, or in this case, roll your tumbler in a sheet to set it all in place.

Pro tip: Keep it light-handed, we're not making dough here.

epoxy vs modge podges

Enter Epoxy: A Formidable Opponent

Now, let's bring out epoxy’s A-game. We're talking precision here, with a 2.5 part B to 2.5 part A ratio. Remember, balance in the force (and your epoxy mix) is crucial; unequal parts lead to an eternally tacky situation, and not the chic kind.

Mixing It Right

Before this concoction graces your tumbler, give it a good mix for about 60–90 seconds—make sure no spot goes unstirred. And just a heads-up, keep a torch handy for any bubble trouble.

Apply and Admire

Once mixed, it’s time for action. Coat the other half of your tumbler with a layer of epoxy as thin as your patience after a DIY gone awry. Dealer's tip: Spread it like you're buttering the toast of someone you're trying to impress.

Sprinkle the same "Ariel" glitter with the finesse of a seasoned chef garnishing a dish. Pat it down gently, and let's roll it again for consistency's sake.

Observing the Outcomes

After a short waiting game (about 10 minutes for the sake of science), it's reveal time! The epoxy side showcases a star-studded finish with glitter that stays put like it was born there. However, the Mod Podge side—well, let's just say it's shedding glitter faster than a Christmas tree in January.

Here's the visual difference:

"The epoxy side has a lot more coverage versus on the Mod Podge side, there’s a bunch of gaps."

The Verdict: Epoxy Takes the Crown

Looks like we can safely declare epoxy as the heavyweight champ for glitter adhesion. The seamless way epoxy embraces and seals the glitter truly outshines its counterpart. Mod Podge, it was a valiant effort, but today epoxy reigns supreme.

In the DIY realm of trial and error, this experiment sheds light on why epoxy might just be the go-to for your glitter tumbler projects.

Final Thoughts

Crafters and creators, thank you for following along this adhesive adventure. If you enjoyed this sparkly showdown, don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button on The Epoxy Resin Store's YouTube channel.

And remember, when in glittering doubt, pick epoxy resin.

Catch you later for more crafting escapades.

Lightning Epoxy Resin for the win

Embrace the shimmer and let creativity rule! Till next time, bye, guys!


Stay tuned for more epoxy resin guides and be sure to check out our other blog posts for more tips and tricks. 


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Epoxy resin tutorial

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Love it – show application on wood that has been stained

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