Westlake EPON Resin 828

The Epoxy Resin Store
Regular price
$ 28.00
Sale price
$ 28.00

EPON Resin 828 is an undiluted clear difunctional bisphenol A/epichlorohydrin derived liquid epoxy resin. When cross-linked or hardened with appropriate curing agents, very good mechanical, adhesive, dielectric and chemical resistance properties are obtained. Because of this versatility, EPON Resin 828 has become a standard epoxy resin used in formulation, fabrication and fusion technology.

--Bisphenol A epichlorohydrin polymer-- CAS# 25068-38-6


  • Fiber reinforced pipes, tanks and composites
  • Tooling, casting and molding compounds
  • Construction, electrical and aerospace adhesives
  • High solids/low VOC maintenance and marine coatings
  • Electrical encapsulations and laminates
  • Chemical resistant tank linings, flooring and grouts
  • Base resin for epoxy fusion technology

Property Units Value Test Method
Color Gardner 1 max ASTM D1544
Viscosity at 25°C
P 110-150 ASTM D445
Weight per Epoxide g/eq
ASTM D-1625

Typical Properties

Property Units Value Test Method
Refractive Index @ 25°C (77°F) 1.573
Specific Heat STU/lb/°F 0.5
Density @ 25°C lb/gal
ASTM D1475
Density g/ml 1.16
Vapor Pressure @ 25°C (77°F) mm Hg 0.03

The Epoxy Resin Store warrants only that its products meet the specifications stated herein Typical properties, where stated, are to be considered as representative of current production and should not be treated as specifications. While all the information presented in this document Is believed to be reliable and to represent the best available data on these products, NO GUARANTEE, WARRANTY, OR REPRESENTATION IS MADE, INTENDED, OR IMPLIED AS TO THE CORRECTNESS OR SUFFICIENCY OF ANY INFORMATION, OR AS TO THE SUITABILITY OF ANY CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE, OR THAT ANY CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS OR USE THEREOF ARE NOT SUBJECT TO A CLAIM BY A THIRD PARTY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. EACH USER SHOULD CONDUCT A SUFFICIENT INVESTIGATION TO ESTABLISH THE SUITABILITY OF ANY PRODUCT FOR ITS INTENDED USE. Products may be toxic and require special precautions in handling For all products listed, user should obtain detailed Information on toxicity, together with proper shipping, handling and storage procedures, and comply with all applicable safety and environmental standards.

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